DCCI President attended a Networking Dinner in honour of Visiting Japanese Delegation organzied by FBCCI
DCCI President attended a Parallel Session as a speaker on “Securing Global Supply Chains” at Commonwealth Trade and Investment Fourm, Bangladesh-2023 organized by BIDA
DCCI President attended a Plenary-High Level Roundtable on Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development-Achieving National and Global Goals
DCCI President attended Banquet and Cultural Programme in honour of H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron, Hon’ble President of the Republic of France organized by PMO
DCCI President attended the Grand Inauguration of Commonwealth Trade and Investment Forum, Bangladesh
DCCI President chaired a meeting between DCCI and FICCI Young Leaders Froum, India organized by DCCI
DCCI President chaired a Seminar on 'Decentralization of Dhaka and Sustainable Urbanization in Bangladesh' organized by DCCI